While traveling I think people are
mainly scared of three vastly different things: bathroom situations,
language barriers and food. As you probably know I've spouted off
quite a few words on the toilet subject already (revisit those
I think we all know where I stand on that. As for language I don't
have much to say, mostly because my
Melayu is still in a pitiful state. Plus, so many people and
places in S.E. Asia speak English that wandering about round these
parts is largely a breeze. Unfortunately, I'm too American for my own
damn good. I can't learn a second language for jack squat. But I did take my first language lesson a few nights ago, so we'll see how that goes.
When all three of these issues collide
that's when I think folks can really freak out. Just running the
possibilities through one's head can get people's pits sweaty and
their reservations ramped up about visiting novel locales.
Apprehension quickly sets in. These three topics spook people into
staying at home.
But it's all for naught. In my opinion,
the toilets of the Malay archipelago are superb, people love it when
you chit-chat or crack lame jokes in broken Bahasa, and the food is
delectable. The cuisine over here has kept me constantly saying my
favorite phrase: “satu lagi,” which means one more. Yes, I'll
have one more portion of beef rendang, one more pulled tea, one more
nasi lemak, wrapped in its tell-tale banana leaf. Why of course I'll
have another skewer of chicken satay and grilled veggies, make it
five actually. And don't forget to drizzle it all in peanut sauce.
I'm no hoity-toity gourmand. I just get
a huge kick out of scarfing food. My reputation as “the closer”
has even followed me to Malaysia. During summer camp, which just took
place, I even picked up a new nickname: "the devourer,"
which has quite the nice ring to it, in a sarcastic, horror movie
Luckily food is everywhere out here:
restaurants abound, street stalls flourish in hectic cities, and in
most villages you can plop down at a plastic table in someone's yard
and eat a meal. Maybe even watch “Iron Man” with their son while
you slurp your noodles too loud. Enough of trying to describe the
scene out here in paragraph form. Let's have the pictures and, I
hope, the humorous captions do the job for me.
Mee Bandung, one of my favorites from
over here. Coincidentally the best version I've had hails from Juara.
I try it everywhere, but it's never as tasty as here. Mee is noodles
and Bandung is a city on the Indonesian island of Java. The noodle
bowl is slightly sweet with crushed peanuts, veggies, an egg, chunks
of chicken and squid, and fresh lime all dancing together. *** All
photos can be enlarged by clicking them.***
The precision squeeze is key! Dani
loves it too. I put her on game with this one. Mee Bandung is like
the mole (delicious Mexican chocolate cinnamon chile sauce) of S.E.
Asia. When it's on I can't get enough and nothing tastes better, but
when it falters, and it usually does, it don't taste too good.
What else can I say about dude, I gets
Bakso, an Indonesian staple found
everywhere: from street vendors and roadside markets, on bicycles and
at airports. It's like French Onion soup with veggies, spice and
usually beef or chicken meatballs. The quality of the dish and meat
vary, but just like Mee Bandung, when it's on point the taste is a
Three classics on the Juara eating
scene (from left to right): crispy, deep-fried squid (one of the only
times in life dipping things in mayonnaise is acceptable), spicy
sambal chicken and veggie curry. Sambal is a sweet chile sauce
packing flavor and heat. I dig it even if it induces hiccups often.
Gado-gado, another Indonesian go-to. I
translate that to “whatever tasty veggies you got in peanut sauce.”
We've had it with noodles, rice, boiled egg, tempe, or tofu. One
translation we saw on a menu read “Peanut Sauce Salad.” That
doesn't do this one justice.
The ubiquitous Nasi Lemak wrapper. You
can find these mini-pyramids gracing many Malaysian tables in the
morning. Do yourself a favor and eat like three. I do.
First, unwrap the banana leaf to get a
solid look at what's inside: coconut rice, anchovies, sambal sauce,
peanuts and usually, but not from this one, egg.
Second, take your right hand and get
busy. Spread that sambal around. Don't think too much about it. The
anchovies in it are salty morning morsels. Don't pick 'em out, these
miniature fishes know what they're doing.
Third, consume with gusto. It's one of
the classic Malaysian breakfasts, but feel free to chow down a couple
at nighttime, in your hotel room, while your girlfriend looks at you
oddly, judging your audacious appetite. I bet she wouldn't use that
You can score some serious Indian food
in Malaysia and Singapore. On this journey we discovered butter
chicken (top right corner). The sad part was that it took 28 years to
first eat it.
Daniel behind a roadside Soto Ayam
(chicken stew) stand in Bali, whipping us up a few bowls. I feel like
this photo would give a Maricopa County AZ health inspector a heart
attack. Peep the dangling chickens.
The finished product: rice, veggies,
eggs, noodles, crushed onions, broth, spices and chicken. They don't
waste no chicken here. You get bone, liver, chewy chunks, feet and
whatever else was on the blade before they tossed it into your bowl.
Nasi Goreng Ayam. Another classic. It's
either rice or noodles (or both) mostly every day out here. Feeling
down about just plain fried rice? Top it up with some fried chicken.
No matter where you go in Malaysia and Indonesia there will always be
fried chicken available and, yes, it will always be yummy. These
countries know how to fry.
Izzati, you got caught! Tom Yum chock
full of veggies and fried squid. Double meal - take it to the stage!
Shaving ice for two classic Malaysian
beverages. I bet some hipster in San Diego has this machine and on
Wednesdays they make local-infused gin slushies with it. Probably
sprinkles them with basil grown off their bike trailers.
On the left we have ABC, which contrary
to stereotype (based on color) is not the Lady's favorite drink. Her
go-to is Cendol, on the right and filled with coconut milk.
ABC all mixed up and ready to give you
a brain freeze. The shaved ice goes with sweetened condensed milk,
rosewater, sugary jelly-rice doo-dads, corn and kidney beans. Trust
me, the corn and beans hold their own. For me those kidney beans not
only are delicious, but provide a stream of fiber in a sea of
Malaysia makes lovely drinks. One pet
peeve of mine is that any beverage ordered-to-go comes in a plastic
bag. I hate it. It's like getting an IV drip to sip on.
Malaysian kue, which are various
pastries and gelatinous sweet treats. Sometimes rice is thrown in.
Here we got a few takeaway ones, which I have already started to
nibble on. I like the slimy green ones.
Izzati whipping up some Fishnet Roti at
JTP. Roti is bread in Bahasa. I give her an A for presentation and
The rotis all rolled up, tiny airy
pancake-esque nubbins that get dipped in curry sauce. Alli can eat
like 10 of 'em. I've seen it.
Chocolate sweetened condensed milk.
Like whoa! My consumption of this canned milk is already 478% more
than when we were in the States. Finding this special can (the only
time I've seen a chocolate one) on our scuba liveaboard in Komodo
made for a splendid day.
Drizzling it on freshly-fried banana
doughnut balls. From this session alone I think I created three
cavities. Worth it? We'll see what my dentist bill is when I return
to the U.S.
Alli around our spread on the
liveaboard. Our cook never did anything fancy, but that didn't stop
him from whipping up the best meals we had in all of Nusa Tenggara
(Komodo, Flores and all those other forgotten islands east of Bali).
We got chicken, noodles, three veggie dishes and bomber Flores
Glutinous sticky rice in a bamboo log,
which serves as its pot. You line the bamboo in banana leaf, shove
lots of rice inside and cook it over the fire. This is what you call
magic rice. You can eat it plain it's so tasty.
Izzati modeling a bamboo full of said
glutinous rice.
Now time for some fruits: red
Massive jackfruit growing right off the
road in Juara. At special occasions here (weddings, engagement
parties and Hari Raya) folks make jackfruit curry, a favorite of
ours. The fruit is meaty and filling.
Sackful of durian! I've already blogged
about these exquisite fruits here,
but just to reiterate they are quite a bonus to living here. This old
rice bag was filled with around 20 durians and in one day the small
JTP staff ate 'em all.
We also were lucky enough to have
Izzati make durian glutinous rice dessert. She turned the durian
fruit into a creamy concoction with a texture similar to clam
chowder, but don't think savory, think sweet, sweet jungle fruit.
Locally made banana bread by Alli. We
had one bushel of easily over 100 bananas at JTP so she made lots of
bread and all I contributed was my stomach space.
This is like the fourth photo of me
hovering over food. I didn't get the name “the closer” for
“Typical” Alli just muttered.
Babi guling! Aka suckling pig prepared
in a variety of ways served all at once. A Balinese speciality.
Pork explosion: satay, fried skin (so
greasy and good!), roasted belly and another mystery side we can't
remember. It was pork though. And incredible. We even snuck some onto
the plane on our way out of Bali.
Kek lapis from Sarawak, Malaysian
Borneo. It's dense layer cake. Alli didn't like it, but I was a fan.
Sadly this Oreo flavor tricked me as it was bland as can be. But the
other ones I ate were lovely, especially the Milo one.
Sometimes you just have to consume a
weird chicken bun on the public bus taking you to the Cat Museum (see
Bun creeper. So steamy.
Kopi ice in Maluku! Beverages are big
over here so I like to stop constantly and drink them, preferably
strong coffee ones with lots of milk and sugar. While Indonesia has
lots of robust black coffee I have developed a weak spot for the
sweet. Alli is concerned I'm getting into Type 2 territory.
Malukan kue! Another yellow gelatinous
cake, crispy brown sugar rice squares and a rice roll stuffed with
salted fish and peanuts. A plate of these with your morning joe never
hurt nobody.
In case you're worried Coca-Cola
contains pork products they have a way of reassuring you.
I said I love beverages, especially
fresh mango ones at the base of the Gunung Lukon volcano in northern
A Sunday feast! We have a plate of
roasted and fried pork, BBQ satay and cap cay veggies (fried in
oyster sauce). And yes, a big bowl of rice too.
Lost in translation? This was the Ice
Cream Sundae we ordered. A little bit of sundae, mixed in with shaved
ice and fruit cocktail. No fudge or chocolate sauce, but that wafer
stick thing was tasty.
Switching gears at the end of the blog
here. This is not from SE Asia, but from Kathmandu, Nepal. Alli and I
really dig the Asian breakfast (seriously - rice, hot sauce and egg
is wondrous) but after over a year in Asia the American breakfast at
our hotel blew our minds. Consider me patriotic, but all the six
mornings I spent in this vibrant city started off with this plate. So
simple and tasted just like home.
Yeah buddy.
If you read the post about things we miss then you know we were jubilant to see “Mexican” on that
sign. They might have thrown some Nepali curry powder into the
refried beans, but that didn't matter. The fajitas were huge and
sizzling, and they actually came with “real” tortillas. Well,
real enough.
Welcome to Asia where even the felines
enjoy a bowl of rice for dinner. R.I.P. Bucket, you were a jolly jungle cat
and would eat anything.
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